Closed for the summer, Sunflower season will begin around Labor Day.

Contributions and Sponsorship

Dalton Farms recognizes the important role that charitable, nonprofit organizations play in the communities where we live and work. Therefore, the Farm has established a vision to support this organization’s charitable giving. While this policy is intended to outline the Company’s values around charitable giving and provide guidance for funding of contributions, it is not intended to replace charitable giving from our employees.

As a business in the South Jersey community, Dalton Farms social responsibility is to support local, nonprofit community organizations by providing location use, in-kind services, and volunteer support. In keeping with our company mission, we aim to bring nature and the heritage in farming to our community and neighbors.

The following guidelines will be used in reviewing requests for charitable contributions and sponsorships and company volunteer initiatives:

Only local-based, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations, 501(c)(4) social welfare organizations, and 501(c)(6) business leagues will be considered for charitable contributions, land use, sponsorships, volunteer support, or in-kind donations.
Highest priority will be given to charities that distribute more goods, services, or funds to their cause rather than on administrative fees.
Incoming requests for sponsorships, charitable donations, volunteers, in-kind services, gifts or give-aways, or business courtesies must be made in writing and emailed to the farm at DALTONFARMSNJ@GMAIL.COM for research, review, and final disposition. Management will communicate directly with agencies regarding all requests and coordinate any follow up documentation, and/or collateral activities such as ads, tickets, invitations, banners, interviews, etc.
The following exclusions apply:

Dalton Farms will not support organizations that discriminate based on age, sex, race, religion, sexual orientation, or disabilities.
Organizations that use more than 49% of their contributions on administrative or business expenses.